Tuesday, October 30, 2012

It's been awhile

Hey there!! It's been awhile. That's an understatement! Lol. Hope to blog more in the near future.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Hi there tonight I saw a news story on a lady that did something nice for a fallen police officer.

During the summer a local motorcycle police officer was in high pursuit on a very busy street during the lunch hour. This was a disaster waiting to happen. A vehicle pulled out after the car that was being chased passed, they unfortunately did not see the local officer. The officer was ran over and prononouced dead on the scene.This officer was very much a large part of our community. He will be missed.

This Lady that lived in that neighborhood took it upon herself and bought one single light candle with the color blue light bulb.She bought enough for the neighborhood and delivered it to everyone with a letter to place the light in the highest and most centered window in the house. This would be in rememberance of past and present fallen officers.

I thought this was touching that a person would care enough to do something so thoughtful. I wonder what motivates a person to do something so selfless. Im impressed and honored that we have people in this world to do such things. Maybe one day I will be inspired and touched by something so much that I do something thoughtful...no matter how small or large.

Goodnight just a thought about a wonderful christmas blessing!

this is known as the Blue Light Project it started in 1986.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

God is Great

I was recently in a car accident. I was T-boned. Have you ever seen one of those cars in a wreck and wondered how could they have possibly jumped the curb? well that was me.my car was on the curb in the grassy nall of one of our fancy hotels in town. How scary is that? It was me and my son driving along when all of a sudden i saw this burgendy car rush two lanes..we met eyes and i slammed on the breaks and swerved so that her car wouldnt impact me so hard. then the next thing in knew was glass everywhere and my son crying and i was so pissed that she tried to dart across traffic.I went to the emergency room and we stayed there for what seemed forever...we got there about 700 in the evening and left at 200 in the morning. It was a busy night in the ER that night.(just my luck) the care was great but all along i was thinking did this really happen to me? My son, by the grace of god was ok..just a little frightened by the trauma of our car jumping the curb and hearing a loud hiss coming from what seemed to be the engine..i dont know what it was that was really hissing but i was thinking the worse...i thought the car was going to blow up. well so now i am here waiting until monday to hear back for the appraisal on how much the car is damaged and if it can even be repaired. if its totaled i could get a newer car..good yes. Bad too. My car wouldve been paid off in December! But I have given a new car a little attention. but not too much. I am however greatful that my son and i are alive. God craddled us in his hands that day. For that I am truly thankful. so just thought that i would type and say the God is Great.
Well goodnight good people. kiss the ones you love and forgive the ones you hate.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

It finally happened!

I have waited almost two years to get a laptop. Im not sure what the hold up was exactly but I am so glad that it has happened. Now I can post something when I want to and not have to log on to our slow ass PC. Not to offend the old PC, but seriously..it takes about 5 mins to log on. But now that I have finally caught up with the rest of society, I feel human. LOL. Now if I could only fix itunes to go faster....hmmm. Im trying to update my iphone. but im going on an hour...of just back up. This is bugging the hell out of me.woooshaw...wooshaw. Okay i feel better.Time to do my " wifely" duty...I have to clean the house and do some laundry. YUK! Hope you guys have a great Labor day!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Keraunophobia: The fear of....

I live in Texas and I still haven't got used to the damn heat! or the crazy weather. One day its hot and the other day its raining... oh ya and you cant forget the tornado warnings...

When I was younger my mother was terrified of the storms and all its glory..I remember when it got really bad she would put us all in the closet and she would flinch at all the loud booms of the thunder. Naturally I would adopt her fear of the storms.. I would go as far as covering up all the mirrors in the house and close the blinds the lighting would avoid coming into the house..I am not even sure that lightning is even attracted to mirrors. I am sure I heard that growing up from someone else who has the fear of storms.

Keraunophobia: The fear of thunderstorms. Just in case you were wondering the proper name of that fear.I was...so I quickly opened up a tab to check it. hehehe.

As an adult I became more fearful of thunderstorms. Really. I was so scared that at one point my sisters husband (ex now) would come get me and my son from my house a few houses down the block. In the middle of the night..in the heat of hail! The sky was opening up and literally shitting on the earth. This would be in the middle of the night people..! I'm talking 300 in the morning. The minute I heard thunder I would call my sister and ask her in my whiny voice to have him pick me up.I always had a bag packed with my baby stuff,pillows, toothbrush, and clothes for the next day. That poor guy would get in his car pick me and my baby up and load all of my bags and rescue me from my fear. Even though he is and asshole now, I will forever be thankful for him never complaining to pick me up.

Then I got older and got remarried to a man who is crazy for storms..always watching the clouds and reading the sky. We live next to an air base and when the winds are higher than 60mph the sirens go off..this scared me to no end...but I had no where to run. So during every storm he would get me to look outside and say"...relax, its nothing, baby.." then laugh at me cause he thought it was stupid to be scared. My poor son, he inherited that fear from me. Who wants to have a grown man be afraid of storms? When he grows up I mean. So one time it stormed really badly while my husband was out. Here we were all alone with our fear. My stomach was getting upset and I knew I had to be tough so that the boy wouldn't throw up, like he always does when it rains.. There we were.
I repeated the words that my husband told me over and over until I started to believe it. It took about a year of me pretending it was ok. until I one night slept thru a thunderstorm. This was such an accomplishment. Now my son very rarely gets scared of the storms. I needed to be strong for him so when he grows up he can me a man for his family. Maybe the circle will break with him. The fear of thunderstorms is silly. But it did effect me for so many years, I am so glad that I don't have that anymore.(well maybe a little)

As a matter of fact, when I started to write this blog it was a nice 95 degrees, sunny and calm breeze. and now almost an hour later its 30mph winds, cloudy and 80 degrees. No kidding it is. Crazy weather. Texas weather changes, hot the cold, rain then snow. SHisssh! I cant keep up with it.

Friday, May 21, 2010

how to bake a penis cake..no really.

So I found myself in a dilemma I joined up with a company that sells intimate products thru the miracles of Parties. I have been with this company for 2 months and have not held a party. But I was informed that in order to become active I needed to hold a party with in the sixty days of my sign up. When I signed up I wasn't even sure why I wanted to do that. But that brings me to today. My Friday. My wonderful peaceful Friday. Well usually. But I actually booked a party tonight. I am SO scared and I don't even know why. The hostess would like to have a penis cake. Yes a penis cake. Now I have baked my fair share of cakes, but a penis cake? I was intrigued, after all baking is my passion. So with that in mind, I accepted the challenge. So the following steps are for you brave souls who wish to bake your very own Penis cake. Enjoy.

Step 1: Find a friend who will accompany you to your friendly local porn store. These stores are somewhat creepy. At least the one I went to was creepy. Enter the establishment with your guard up and a serious face, as their will be people from your community there. The unwritten rule is "I didn't see you, and you didn't see me" then it will forever be awkward to be emotionally tide to your local what have you...postman, walmart cashier...whomever it will be that you "bumped" into. Then proceed to get reamed up the ass for a cheesy aluminum penis cake pan.(you could use lube its in next to the enormous 18" black plastic cock.)

Step 2:Bring home the little treasure that you over paid for. Since they generously came packaged in two, I will make a "white" one and a "black" one.

Grocery List:

Classic white box cake (bake as directed in floured pan)
Triple chocolate box cake (bake as directed in floured pan)
chocolate sprinkles ( pubic hair)
1-large can of chocolate frosting
1-large can of classic white frosting
small frosting tip
frosting bag
white marshmallow frosting bag or (white frosting)
cake boards or cardboard bottom box foiled to hold cakes X2
tape used for holding foil on the card board
wide foil
frosting spatula
Ziploc bag
and the hard to find ivory food coloring, which I will save you some time hunting for it and tell you where I found it: Micheals..$1.99
....about 4 hours, and patience.Oh yea and space in the fridge for the cakes to quickly cool.

Step 3: take the cardboard and foil it, tape the bottom to the cardboard

Step 4: While the cake are cooling(in the fridge). Sit down and wonder why you took on this project, and try to refocus on the bigger picture. You want to see if you could make a penis cake?! Remember? Deep breath. Invert the cakes onto your freshly foiled cardboard. Now frost the penis cakes according to the color you desire.After putting the frosting on the penis. You want to put some frosting in a Ziploc bag with the tip first. This will help you add details to the shaft of the penis(squiggly lines, on the shaft only) Then take the chocolate sprinkles and sprinkle the balls with them. The more sprinkles you have on the balls the less "shaven" you penis will look.

Step 5: You are done!!! you have successfully made a penis cake. Now take pictures of the cake and show off to your less offended friends....

Hope that this post has helped you lost souls trying to make a wonderful cake for that naughty occasion. If you read this post PLEASE leave a comment. Thank you.