Monday, December 13, 2010


Hi there tonight I saw a news story on a lady that did something nice for a fallen police officer.

During the summer a local motorcycle police officer was in high pursuit on a very busy street during the lunch hour. This was a disaster waiting to happen. A vehicle pulled out after the car that was being chased passed, they unfortunately did not see the local officer. The officer was ran over and prononouced dead on the scene.This officer was very much a large part of our community. He will be missed.

This Lady that lived in that neighborhood took it upon herself and bought one single light candle with the color blue light bulb.She bought enough for the neighborhood and delivered it to everyone with a letter to place the light in the highest and most centered window in the house. This would be in rememberance of past and present fallen officers.

I thought this was touching that a person would care enough to do something so thoughtful. I wonder what motivates a person to do something so selfless. Im impressed and honored that we have people in this world to do such things. Maybe one day I will be inspired and touched by something so much that I do something matter how small or large.

Goodnight just a thought about a wonderful christmas blessing!

this is known as the Blue Light Project it started in 1986.

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