Saturday, September 4, 2010

It finally happened!

I have waited almost two years to get a laptop. Im not sure what the hold up was exactly but I am so glad that it has happened. Now I can post something when I want to and not have to log on to our slow ass PC. Not to offend the old PC, but takes about 5 mins to log on. But now that I have finally caught up with the rest of society, I feel human. LOL. Now if I could only fix itunes to go faster....hmmm. Im trying to update my iphone. but im going on an hour...of just back up. This is bugging the hell out of me.woooshaw...wooshaw. Okay i feel better.Time to do my " wifely" duty...I have to clean the house and do some laundry. YUK! Hope you guys have a great Labor day!

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