Saturday, January 23, 2010

Biggest loser

Hi I was thinking his morning, about the biggest loser. I am so consumed by this show! I watch every season! And it almost pushes me to do the work.., but then I give up. I wish that I had a Jillian to be mean and motivating to me. It's hard doing that for yourself. It's hard breaking out of the mold you've created for yourself. I'm he chubby girl that likes to bake, and eat "goodies" I eat so much goodies it's surprising that I don't smell sweet. Lol
I am proud of the former fatties that have lost weight. And are starting their new journey in a world that never accepted them before. They are finally in that cool group of people. Fatties spend a lifetime trying to fit in, fit into clothes, fit into social groups, fit into a life that we know could be better.
Food is an addiction... Food is comforting, nonjudgemental, filling, it fills all your flaws it helps you thru the hard times.. Food is evil. The good food is good too. But there's nothing like a cup of vanilla icecream or a piece of warm chocolate cake or fresh Otis spunkmeyer cookies... Why lie? I'm addicted to these wondrous goodies. And I dont want to be...Anymore. But,

I can hear the food calling right now.... Ugh.

- Posted using Some of my brain cells...

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