Friday, October 9, 2009

Wow shopping!

Today was good.
I did one of my favorite things: SHOPPING!!!!! i love the feeling of brand new clothes on my skin, looking at all the clothes they way they were intended to be, no wrinkles, new smell...who could resist that?!

When i go shopping i pretend to be someone else. I am a rich woman who knows no price to her wants, I can buy anything i want with out looking at how much things are....( i know better i have to watch my budget) i go in the store and look across the room at the endless ocean of fashion and accessories. shopping would probably be more exciting if i were the ideal size;
but nevertheless, i like going to Lane Bryant.This store is a store tailored to women who are bigger than the average size. Today i tried on a few clothing items, couple of tops, and unfortunately a few pairs of jeans. The sizing system has gone wonky...i thought i was X size but i turned out to be another size and my jeans were tight! ugh!

I ended up getting a cool shirt that had a collar that adjusted with a zipper, and a comfy brown friend bought me these...that was nice.Thanks friend!

the weather was cool, and drizzly. i like this weather it was smelling of November..thanksgiving. We took my son to the pumpkin patch, this place we went to was The Disability Resource Institute..this place houses and employs the mentally afflicted. The down syndrome, the physically damaged...and so on and so forth....this place is cool.They give the handicap an opportunity to live and work like the rest of us with out any discrimination. they even manufacture hot salsa, and its good. the people of this institute are sweet and they always come up to us and try to ask a million questions..the last time i went a little guy name Andy came and helped. He was playing with my son. He wanted to be in all the pictures i took he would say, "ok cheese, then look at my son and say ok you have to say cheese before your mom takes the picture!" my son thought he was cute. I used to work on Andy's teeth. He never wanted anyone else in his mouth...he would be so proud of his progress in getting his teeth to be pearly white when he came out to see me. I was proud of him, and his parents said that they had never seen him so accepting of someone touching him. what a special guy. god bless him. i didn't see him this year, wonder what he is doing, and how he is doing.

well another day almost done...right now i am sitting here with a full belly, i ate the best chicken ever( i made it) . I think that i could just go to sleep right now. I'm tired and my knee is achy. i am getting old... well i am altleast well on my way to getting old.... an ache here and an ache there... it starts to add up. One minute your up and one minute your down....right now I'm feeling...hmmmm i don't know....BLAH.

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