Monday, October 12, 2009

just rambling love

i fully intended to write something fun, and light-hearted, but i am fresh out of fun and light-hearted. a friend of the family is in trouble, and i feel sad for this friend. this friend is going to seek help, and i am glad. this friend needs this help.good luck on you journey to better mental health.

i have such a headache. my head is pounding and my jaws are hurting from clenching my teeth. i vacuumed today and did the dishes.

it seems as though my son is very much a "TWEEN" he has become so unruly, that maybe a strong word, maybe a bit defiant, uhm mouthy. but every once in a while i can see a hint of the sweet little boy who used to love sitting on me and looking at me like i was the only person who could pacify him, and love him.

right now i am where i belong. i am in bed typing my blog next to my husband.he is watching the scorpion king 2. this movie is better than i thought. but the best part is when my husband takes a break from the movie and glances at me with a look of wonder and love. corny i know. but he is my everything. i love this man, he is the one i see growing old with. the one i want babies with. this man i love. i could only hope and pray that he loves me as much as i love him. one day i hope he tells me really what is in his heart for me. i know that he cares for me,i know he loves me enough to tattoo my name on his chest over his heart. all i know is that when i look into his eyes, my heart melts and skips a beat, my knees get weak, and my hands start to sweat. this man...this man. he is mine. and i am forever his.

okay this is goodnight. goodnight to all you readers.

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