Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Rain, Rain, dont go away....

Wow! two days in a row! what a wonder.

Well its raining outside, today i opened the windows to the house and its a great feeling, its been almost 6 years since i opened those windows. but it is cool outside and i was feeling spunky so here we are sitting on my chaise lounge, blogging and listening to the soothing sound of a gentle rain, my feet are cold...but I'm enjoying the calm, light rain. This is the best part of my day...so far.

Tonight i will be watching Biggest Loser, I love this show. i think a lot of people like this show, because it is somewhat inspiring to "lazy, fat couch potato people" as most people like to call us. yes us, i am "pleasantly plump" as i was once kindly addressed. This show always makes me cry. i think it does that because i want to be on that show..i would love to meet Jillian Micheals or that cutie of a trainer, that hottie.. you now which one I'm talking about.they would be ruthlessly mean and inspiring those people can get down thru all the bullshit we come up with on the reasons we aren't working out, and eating right. not like our friends and family who are the last people that we want to hear that from.

oh man only 3 minutes until i can watch my show so i better go...talk to ya laterz! enjoy your night whether its calm and soothing with rain or its hot and sultry with the heat....

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