Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My PC is pissing me off!

okay so I am one of many that have an iPhone...today i realized that the iPhone are made for people who actually own a Mac..hmmmm what a thought, us losers who own a PC, are made to feel like idiots..my iPhone is wonderful when it works, uhm I'm sure you Mac owners are reading this and saying " whatever do you mean?" i am sorry to say that getting a Mac would be worth the trouble..it would save me time on the stupid iPhone updates, i have wasted my entire morning sitting in front of this dinosaur we like to call a computer...Really?! i am really upset or "mad" that this simple update has become a chore! This whole thing is giving me a headache. well i have to go check the other tab to see if the stupid itunes update is done so that i can do the other update on the iPhone....well its been a joyous occasion this morning..bye to all the Mac users that are laughing it up now, and bye to the PC users that feel my pain.....til next time my friends, til next time!

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