Monday, October 19, 2009

a random thought.....

Okay so today is a great day :

I am remembering the past. the past has been good. it has molded me into the complex person that i am. but i am not complaining, i love me. i am nice, funny, unconventional, and mysterious.

Some people say that i am a pretty chubby girl. i like to say that i am "pleasantly plump". Now I'm not saying that i wouldn't be happy to be thinner, I'm just saying that nothing is wrong with the way i look. i like the way i am. My sister always says that i am "Queen Latifah" fat not "Roseanne Barr"fat. i don't feel fat when i look in mirror...i feel like a "normal" sized girl. by the way being Queen Latifah fat is a good thing she takes pride in her curves and she is beautiful. Roseanne is a hopeless fat, a fat that just gave up looking nice and taking pride in the way she looks....

I don't know why I feel like I had to type all that but I did.

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