I live in Texas and I still haven't got used to the damn heat! or the crazy weather. One day its hot and the other day its raining... oh ya and you cant forget the tornado warnings...
When I was younger my mother was terrified of the storms and all its glory..I remember when it got really bad she would put us all in the closet and she would flinch at all the loud booms of the thunder. Naturally I would adopt her fear of the storms.. I would go as far as covering up all the mirrors in the house and close the blinds the lighting would avoid coming into the house..I am not even sure that lightning is even attracted to mirrors. I am sure I heard that growing up from someone else who has the fear of storms.
Keraunophobia: The fear of thunderstorms. Just in case you were wondering the proper name of that fear.I was...so I quickly opened up a tab to check it. hehehe.
As an adult I became more fearful of thunderstorms. Really. I was so scared that at one point my sisters husband (ex now) would come get me and my son from my house a few houses down the block. In the middle of the night..in the heat of hail! The sky was opening up and literally shitting on the earth. This would be in the middle of the night people..! I'm talking 300 in the morning. The minute I heard thunder I would call my sister and ask her in my whiny voice to have him pick me up.I always had a bag packed with my baby stuff,pillows, toothbrush, and clothes for the next day. That poor guy would get in his car pick me and my baby up and load all of my bags and rescue me from my fear. Even though he is and asshole now, I will forever be thankful for him never complaining to pick me up.
Then I got older and got remarried to a man who is crazy for storms..always watching the clouds and reading the sky. We live next to an air base and when the winds are higher than 60mph the sirens go off..this scared me to no end...but I had no where to run. So during every storm he would get me to look outside and say"...relax, its nothing, baby.." then laugh at me cause he thought it was stupid to be scared. My poor son, he inherited that fear from me. Who wants to have a grown man be afraid of storms? When he grows up I mean. So one time it stormed really badly while my husband was out. Here we were all alone with our fear. My stomach was getting upset and I knew I had to be tough so that the boy wouldn't throw up, like he always does when it rains.. There we were.
I repeated the words that my husband told me over and over until I started to believe it. It took about a year of me pretending it was ok. until I one night slept thru a thunderstorm. This was such an accomplishment. Now my son very rarely gets scared of the storms. I needed to be strong for him so when he grows up he can me a man for his family. Maybe the circle will break with him. The fear of thunderstorms is silly. But it did effect me for so many years, I am so glad that I don't have that anymore.(well maybe a little)
As a matter of fact, when I started to write this blog it was a nice 95 degrees, sunny and calm breeze. and now almost an hour later its 30mph winds, cloudy and 80 degrees. No kidding it is. Crazy weather. Texas weather changes, hot the cold, rain then snow. SHisssh! I cant keep up with it.
Girl most fears are irrational and silly, it takes a lot of courage to try to overcome this for the sake of your growing boy.